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6 Maintenance Tips for Violin Bows


5 Maintenance Tips for Violin Bows

All musical instruments require attention and maintenance. When it comes to the violin, however, it is easy to forget that the bow needs as much care as the instrument itself. After all, the way you treat your violin bows will affect the way the violin sounds. If too much resin builds up on the hairs, for example, the sound will come out wrong.

Do you know how to properly take care of your violin bow? If not, you’re in luck! This blog post is here to teach you the basics of violin bow maintenance. 

Keep reading for tips on how to keep your bow in good condition and make sure it lasts as long as possible!

How Do I Keep My Violin Bow Clean?

Young woman playing the violin sitting on the floor
Cavan Images / Cavan / Getty Images

Here are some tips for keeping your violin bow clean:

  • Always wipe down the bow after playing, using a soft cloth or cleaning pad.
  • Be sure to remove all rosin buildup from the bow hair. A soft bristled brush can be used for this purpose.
  • Occasionally disinfect the bow hair with a weak solution of rubbing alcohol or vinegar.
  • Store the bow in a cool, dry place when not in use

By following these simple tips, you can keep your violin bow in top condition and ensure that it produces the best possible sound. For more tips on how to keep your violin bow clean and well maintained, be sure to ask your violin instructor for advice – and check out the video below for more tips on playing violin:


What is a Violin Bow Made Of?

Picture of a broken violin and bow
Caspar Benson / fStop/ Getty Images

The bow of a violin is one of the most important parts of the instrument, and yet it is also one of the most simple. 

Consisting of little more than a stick and some string, the bow is responsible for creating the majority of the sound produced by the violin. The stick itself is usually made from wood, although some composite materials are also used. 

The wood is typically pernambuco, which is a dense tropical wood that is known for its strength and resilience. The string, meanwhile, is usually made from horsehair. This material is flexible and sturdy, making it ideal for use on a musical instrument. 

Together, these simple materials work to create the beautiful sound of the violin.

Violin Bow Maintenance Tips

Little boy playing the violin
Imgorthand / E+/ Getty Images

While it may not be as costly to repair or replace violin bows, why waste money when it’s easy to keep your violin bows in good working condition? Below are several tips on how to properly care for your violin bow.

1. Cleaning Your Bow

Chances are you’re already aware that you should regularly clean the area under where you bow because resin can build up. However, it’s just as equally important to clean the bow because of resin build up as well. To properly clean your bow, wipe it down with a dry cloth after every practice session.

2. Tightening and Loosening Your Bow

Once you’ve finished wiping the non-hair parts of the bow, make sure to loosen the hair. You should never put the bow into the case with the hair still taut because you can create unnecessary tension against the bow, which can lead to problems like warping. However, be careful not to make the bow so loose that the hairs snag on the case. When you take the bow out to use it, tighten the hairs again, making sure not to over-tighten it.

3. Broken Bow Hairs

If you notice that a few hairs are broken, don’t get overly concerned. Simply use scissors to cut the broken hairs near the frog. Do not pull on the hairs to remove them. If there are more than just a few hairs that are loose or broken, you may need to take the bow in to a technician to be re-haired (see more details on this below).

4. How to Rosin a Violin Bow

Typically, violin players rosin their bows as soon as they finish tightening the hairs. Remember, the hairs have to be stiff when applying the rosin. Most players begin at the frog using fast strokes and work their way up the bow. Once they have reached the opposite end, they use several long strokes to evenly distribute the resin along the length of the bow. Make sure to store the rosin in its case or a cloth when you’re done.

5. Handling the Bow

Avoid treating the bow like a tool. The best rule to follow is this: if you wouldn’t use your violin to do something, then don’t use the bow either. You wouldn’t use your violin to turn a light on or off. Nor would you pretend to sword fight with the actual violin. Bows are fragile, and should be treated with as much caution as the violin itself.

6. How to Rehair a Violin Bow

As any musician knows, a well-maintained instrument is essential for achieving the best sound quality. One important part of violin maintenance is periodically rehairing the bow. 

Although this may seem like a daunting task, it is actually relatively simple to do with the right tools and materials. First, the old hair must be removed from the bow. This can be done by gently sliding the hair out of the slots in the frog (the metal piece at the end of the bow). 

Next, new hair must be cut to the correct length and inserted into the slots. The ends of the hair are then trimmed and tied off, before being glued into place. 

Finally, the hair is rosined (rubbed with rosin), which helps it to grip the strings and produce a clear sound. With a little practice, anyone can easily learn how to rehair a violin bow.

How to Store a Violin Bow

Picture of an orangey violin
pepifoto / E+ / Getty Images

Storing a violin bow properly is essential to preserving its quality and preventing damage. 

The first step is to loosen the hair on the bow by turning the screw at the top counterclockwise. Once the hair is loose, brush it gently with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or rosin. Next, carefully coil the bow and secure it with a ribbon or string. 

Finally, store the bow in a cool, dry place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. With proper care, a violin bow can last for many years.

How Often Should I Rosin My Bow?

Close up of a person applying rosin to a bow
Yellow Dog Productions / The Image bank/ Getty Images

Rosin is a substance made from tree sap that helps create friction between the strings and the bow. This friction is necessary to produce sound on the violin, so it is important to apply rosin to the bow before playing. 

The frequency with which you need to rosin your bow will depend on several factors, including the type of rosin you are using, the climate, and how much you play. If you live in a dry climate or if you are a heavy player, you may need to rosin your bow more often. 

On the other hand, if you use a softer rosin or if you play infrequently, you may need to rosin less often. Ultimately, it is best to use your judgment and apply rosin as needed to keep your bow performing at its best.

How Often Should a Violin Bow Be Rehaired?

Close up of someone playing the violin
Arsenio Marrero / Moment / Getty Images

Even if you take good care of your violin bow, it will eventually need to be rehaired. Depending on how often you play, you may need to have your bow rehaired once a year or as frequently as every few months. 

A good rule of thumb is to have your bow rehaired when the hair starts to look frayed or when it starts to slip when rosined. If you wait too long to have your bow rehaired, the hair can become so damaged that it will need to be replaced entirely. This is not only costly, but it can also negatively affect the sound of your instrument. 

As a result, it is important to be proactive about maintaining your bow. With a little care, you can keep your violin sounding its best for years to come.

Care and Maintenance of a Violin Bow is Essential for Good Playing!

Little girl focusing on playing the violin
Dag Sundberg / The Image Bank / Getty Images

Proper bow handling and maintenance will ensure that you can have the best sound possible. Your violin teacher can offer you other tips on how to manage your violin bows if you aren’t sure that you’re doing it correctly.

if you aren’t sure that you’re doing it correctly.

Violin bows are delicate instruments, and they require a bit of maintenance in order to keep them playing their best. By following the simple tips we’ve outlined in this post, you can help your bow last longer and play with better sound quality. 

Have you ever had to replace a violin bow? What tips do you have for keeping them in good condition? Let us know in the comments below!

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Photo by D. Mitchell Photography

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